Episode 17: NYC University Students


Students Navigating NYC: The Next Generation’s Hot Topics- Part 1

In this episode, Ron and Lynette Lewis chat with three university students about their unique paths to New York City. They dive into the ups and downs of adjusting to city life, managing mental health on campus, and staying true to themselves amidst the pressure to fit in.

The students open up about finding community, discovering their life direction, and living as Christians in a bustling, diverse city. Join us for an inspiring conversation about resilience, faith, and the real experiences of students in NYC.

Guests: Staford, NYU 2023, Gabby, Fordham 2026, Annika, Fordham 2026

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Episodes will air weekly on the North American channel on Wednesdays at 7:30pm EST and again on Thursdays at 7:30am EST as well as weekly on the New Gen channel on Thursdays at 3:00pm EST, Fridays at 8:00am EST and Mondays at 10:30pm EST.

You can watch on the Alkarma TV website, or download the Alkarma TV app on Google Play, iTunes, Apple TV, Roku & IPTV


Episode 18: NYC University Students- part 2


Episode 16: Joe Warren + Mike Risley