In this captivating episode of "What Are You Thinking," we delve into the extraordinary life of Yesupadam Paidipamula, a man whose life story reads like a gripping novel. Born into extreme poverty as an untouchable in India, Yesupadam's early years were marked by unimaginable hardships and he turned to communism, atheism, gambling, alcohol and gang violence in his search for purpose.
Yesupadam became born again through an encounter with Jesus and hearing the audible voice of God changed the trajectory of his life forever. Today, Yesupadam serves as the Founder and President of Love N Care Ministries, an organization that has touched the lives of millions through the transformative power of God's love.
Join us as we explore Yesupadam's incredible journey, from the depths of despair to a life dedicated to spreading hope and love.
Guest: Yesupadam Paidipamula, President/ Founder, Love-N-Care Ministries International
Guest’s Resources:
Ysupadam: Reaching India’s Untouched